
A lightweight CLI backend API testing tool

Project maintained by Sl-Alex Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Collection is a set of requests and enviroment configurations. Requests are organized in folders, making a clear and structured project tree. It is possible to run any request, or any folder in the collection, or even the entire collection at once.

All files in the collection should be created using TOML syntax.

This is how a typical collection might look like:

Collection/                          Execution order
├─ 01 users/
│  ├─ 01 login/
│  │  ├─ 01 login wrong pass.toml       1
│  │  ├─ 02 login wrong user.toml       2
│  │  └─ 03 login normal.toml           3
│  ├─ 02 second login.toml              4
│  ├─ 03 get profile.toml               5
│  ├─ 04 logout/
│  │  ├─ 01 logout.toml                 6
│  │  └─ 02 second logout.toml          7
│  └─ 05 get profile failed.toml        8
├─ 02 device/
│  ├─ 01 login admin.toml               9
│  ├─ 02 factory reset.toml             10
│  └─ 03 get status.toml                11
├─ dev.env
└─ prod.env

The order, in which the collection is processed, depends solely on the names of the files and folders. PyApiTester will get the full path for each file in the collection and sort them in an alphabetic order before execution. The example above is already sorted and will be executed exactly in that order.

Running the test

Running the test is very simple. Here are all supported parameters:

$ python ./ -h
usage: [-h] [--environment ENVIRONMENT] [--verbose] {run,check} path

positional arguments:
  {run,check}           Command to execute
  path                  Could be a folder or a single file

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Path to the environment configuration file (*.env)
  --verbose, -v         Enable verbose mode

All parameters except of command and path are optional. path accepts either a request file name if you want to run a single request or a folder name if you have a lot of requests to test. As of now, only run command is supported.