
A lightweight CLI backend API testing tool

Project maintained by Sl-Alex Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham


Enviroment configuration simplifies collection management a lot. It has all environment variables and other parameters, that need to be common on the collectionn level. Instead of hardcoding the base URL, or the user name, it makes sense to put them to the environment configuration file.

This file can be stored anywhere. It has “env” extension, and despite the extension, it is a TOML file. For now it has only one section for environment variables, e.g.:

# All variables defined here can be used in any request, e.g. {{base_url}}
base_url = ''
base_timeout = 3500
test_str = 'This Is A String'
test_int = 3755399308445874391
test_bool = true

In the future, it will have other sections, such as proxy configuration and so on.

Variables defined in the environment can be used in any part of the request file. In fact, the parser just replaces all variable names, surrounded with double curly brackets, with the value of that variable.