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Simple Deluge WebUI login


If you use Deluge WebUI then from time to time you have to enter your password and select default connection in the connection manager. It could be a bit annoying, especially if you use your own local server (e.g. OpenMediaVault) and do not expose WebUI to the external world. Of course, you can use a workaround and avoid direct interaction with WebUI. For example, Transdrone is a good Android interface, which can connect to Deluge using your WebUI password. Looks good, but it’s much better just to remove these annoying windows. In this post you’ll find a step-by-step instruction.


This instruction was tested in OpenMediaVault 3 (Deluge version 1.13.10). Although I don’t expect it, it could be that your particular Deluge version could not be patched using this instruction. Anyway, you have to understand what you do and at least hide your Deluge WebUI behind the firewall.

1. Stop Deluge daemon and WebUI

You have to stop both Deluge daemon and WebUI before applying some changes:

systemctl stop deluged

or just

killall deluged

Then kill Deluge WebUI:

killall deluge-web

2. Disable “Login” window

Now let’s do a dirty work and disable “Login” window. Information is taken from The Dukrat’s Lair

Open /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/ui/web/js/deluge-all.js in editor, find section deluge.LoginWindow and replace the onShow function (it is located near the end of the minified line) in the following way:


Now open /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/deluge/ui/web/ and comment out the if statement and add return True, like this:

            #if s.hexdigest() == config["pwd_sha1"]:
            #    return True
            return True

3. Disable “Connection manager” window

If you plan to use WebUI only with a single Deluge instance (e.g. then you probably would like to disable connection manager window. If so, then select a proper connection in the connection manager and open auth file in the deluge configuration folder. By default it is located in “<home_of_deluge_user>/.config/deluge”. You will see something like this:


Copy the long string between two colons. Open “web.conf”, which is also located in the deluge configuration folder and paste this string to the “default_daemon” field, so your configuration string will look like this:


Save configuration file and restart your server. Now you can log in without any annoying windows. Enjoy!